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Your Breckenridge Vacation Home could be the healthiest place to live!

Summit County is one of five Colorado counties with the country’s highest life expectancy. I just had a client last year that was told by his doctor to move here because the air was helping him fell better and to recover faster.

Summit county, websites are packed with pictures of people hiking, skiing and biking — stuff we tend to do more than people in other places. We’re home to two national forests, seven national wilderness areas and countless hiking and biking trails.

“There’s no question that high rates of physical activity (are) a common theme throughout Colorado counties that also have high life expectancy,” said Dr. Ali Mokdad, a professor of global health at IHME.

It also helps to have clean air, clean water and access to good recreational opportunities.

Lots of things contribute to longevity, and all kinds of ideas are floating around, some more realistic than others.

Some studies consider the effects of longevity at higher altitude, but there’s no conclusive data that there’s a correlation researchers say.

Mostly it’s healthy living.

Staying active helps you live longer. So does nutrition and getting together with friends.

Have you ever skied with our seniors? I can barely keep up.

Breckenridge tourism indicators for 2013 beat previous best year ever

Breckenridge has reported its best year ever with key tourism indicators up in 2013 from 2007, which was previously its strongest year.

Denver-based DestiMetrics, which provides destination resort lodging data, recently released numbers reporting 2013 lodging occupancy in Breckenridge was 2 percent up from 2007, and the 2013 average daily room rate (ADR) was up 9.5 percent over 2007.

The winter occupancy for the 2013-14 season in Breckenridge is up 13 percent year-over-year, and the ADR is up 1 percent.

What does this all mean for you? So many of my clients own rental property so all this tourist activity is great for those rental revenues. Breckenridge is finally getting noticed for great summers also not just a ski destination.

If you don’t rent out your property or forgot that this is an option for you give me a call and can talk about the various ways we can increase your rentals.


Good News Headlines

Hello and welcome!

We think you’ll find the following headlines of interest. We’ll add more from time to time. If you have some suggestions, please contact us!


Summit County:



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