

Buyers need representation!

We like to work with our clients as their representative. We want to feel that we are in your corner. A Buyer’s agent is important whether your buying an investment property or a second home in Breckenridge. Many realtors don’t want the responsibility or liability of being a Buyer’s Agent. That is not the case with us. So let me give you a brief explanation of the difference and your options.


 Buyer’s Agent: A buyer’s agent works solely on behalf of the buyer to promote the interests of the buyer with the utmost good faith, loyalty and fidelity. The agent negotiates on behalf of and acts as an advocate for the buyer. The buyer’s agent must disclose to potential sellers all adverse material facts actually known by the buyer’s agent including the buyer’s financial ability to perform the terms of the transaction and, if a residential property, whether the buyer intends to occupy the property. A separate written buyer agency agreement is required which sets forth the duties and obligations of the broker and the buyer.
       Transaction-Broker: A transaction-broker assists the buyer or seller or both throughout a real estate transaction by performing terms of any written or oral agreement, fully informing the parties, presenting all offers and assisting the parties with any contracts, including the closing of the transaction without being an agent or advocate for any of the parties. A transaction-broker must use reasonable skill and care in the performance of any oral or written agreement, and must make the same disclosures as agents about all adverse material facts actually known by the transaction-broker concerning a property or a buyer’s financial ability to perform the terms of a transaction and, if a residential property, whether the buyer intends to occupy the property. No written agreement is required.

Meet Teresa and Roger Moen!

Having been here since 1997 as full-time Realtors, Teresa and I are well-versed in all aspects of residential real estate here in Breckenridge, Colorado.

I like working with RE/MAX because they’re #1 in the world, #1 in the US, #1 in Colorado, and #1 in Summit County. It’s nice to be with Number One.

We like to work as a Buyer’s Agent. We want to represent you. It’s a small town and often times we’ll know things about properties that we can share with you as a Buyer’s Agent. You really want somebody in your corner, that has a lot of experience. Not somebody that’s in it just for the transaction.

If I were to offer tips and secrets about buying property up here in a ski resort, it would be location. Ski-in/ski-out is going to render you the greater rental income. So you really want to have that perfect spot, so people can get out of their bed, get on their skis, and hit the slopes.

We’ve sold to people that have done so many transactions with us – up to 10. They send us their children. They send us their grandchildren, and it’s a really nice relationship that we’ve developed over the years.

And it really makes it so much more personal. It’s better and more trusting for everybody and more enjoyable. We want to be your family Realtor.

So whether you’re looking for a cabin in the woods or a magnificent slope-side mansion, we’re happy to help!

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Breckenridge Real Estate Market in 2016 – Low Inventory, High Demand

breck-real-estate-market-2016We have started the new year running! With the market in continuous recovery we couldn’t be happier or busier. The Breckenridge real estate inventory is at an 8 year low!! I believe all of those sellers have been holding off the sale of their property because the market hadn’t fully recovered. I know that is what I was telling my sellers. I think there is some pent up real estate inventory that we are going to see this coming spring.  There is definitely demand. Demand for credit is on the rise also. With consumer debt service ratios the lowest they have been for more than two decades, more people are eligible to qualify for a mortgage. Call me and I will give you the scoop. Maybe you can own your dream home in the mountains sooner than you think!