
Christmas in Breckenridge 2019

My favorite events for Christmas in Breckenridge? That’s my favorite subject! Way back in 1997, we (Roger and Teresa) moved to Breckenridge from a big city. We had no idea what Christmas would be like in Breckenridge. Now I can’t imagine being anywhere else. We have both commented over the years that it is like living in a snow globe out of a storybook. The town is covered in snow and everybody is happy to be here, whether you are on vacation or you are lucky enough to live here. Everyone is just grateful to be here.

Here are some of our personal favorites events during the Christmas season in Breckenridge.

The Atmosphere

For the entire season, the town really goes all out. Every storefront is decorated. There are Christmas lights everywhere. It’s just beautiful. We love just driving down Main Street and looking at the storefronts. Be sure to make this a priority and visit the town at night, so you can get the full effect.

Christmas in Breckenridge 2019

The Lighting of Breckenridge

The first week of December, the whole town gets decked out with Holiday decor. On December 7th, 2019, the town puts on an event called the Lighting of Breckenridge. During this event, there is a Holiday Dog Parade, a market, caroling, and the lighting of the Christmas tree in the town square. Another must-see.

Running of the Santas

The Running of the Santas is another personal favorite Breckenridge Christmas Event. It is hilarious! 100’s of Santas race down Main Street, all in costume of course. It isn’t something you see very often. There are various renditions of costumes, a huge contingent of Bernese Mountain dogs, babies, sleds and more. At the end, the Firehouse serves free hot chocolate and cookies.

2019 Christmas events Breckenridge

Christmas Eve Church Services

On Christmas Eve and Christmas day, another great event is to attend a church of your choice. All the churches have multiple services so that there is room for all. Click here for a list of all the Christmas Eve services.

Sleigh Rides

One last one very fun event to do in Breckenridge at Christmas time is to go on a sleigh ride! The horse drawn carriage, the sleigh with bells ringing, it’s fun for the whole family. They hand out blankets to keep warm during the ride. You may also choose to have a dinner in a wonderful cabin and sing and be entertained until the ride home. This is a hugely popular event, so do call first and make reservations in advance.

So if this sounds like a Hallmark movie that is because if feels exactly like that. Unreal!! You will never want to spend Christmas anywhere else. Bring the family and enjoy all the Christmas events in Breckenridge.

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4th of July in Breckenridge 2019

The 4th of July is one of our favorite events in Breckenridge. Our town just shines!!

Fireworks, BBQ cookouts, and all things red, white, and blue – it’s beginning to look a lot like the 4th of July! Breckenridge Colorado is one of the most fun places in the U.S. to celebrate America’s favorite holiday. From backyard cookouts to full-blown firework shows, Breckenridge has plenty of activities planned to celebrate this national holiday. Here are our favorite 4th of July celebrations in Breckenridge that you can enjoy with your family this year.


4th of July in Breckenridge 2019

One of our favorites is the parade in Breckenridge. It is so fun to see your friends, neighbors, and local businesses going down the street waving to everybody. We love the small town feel. Some years there are more than 35,000 people joining in on the fun!

If you don’t see what you are looking for in Breckenridge, you can also check out the celebrations in Frisco, Dillon, Silverthorne, Keystone and Copper Mountain. One of the great things about being in Summit County and owning property here, is that there are always so many fun activities in the surrounding towns. You can’t do them all! Believe me I have tried.


Fourth of July in Breckenridge 2019

Most importantly, we have a huge party at our office at ReMax. 220 S. Main St!!! 9:00 am to 12 noon. It is a great spot to watch the parade. Come by for food, drink and front row seats. Just tell them you are working with us, Roger and Teresa Moen.

National Repertory Orchestra

4th of july NRO

The National Repertory Orchestra, a symphonic orchestra and academy that offers fellowships to young musicians that are interested in professional music careers, does a concert before the fireworks. They do a fantastic job every year. (Teresa says: “It just makes me cry every time!”)

Before moving to Breck 23 years ago, I had never been in a small town. I really just fell in love with the community and the gorgeous landscape. This is the place to be for Fourth of July. I am so proud of this town and feel fortunate to be here everyday.

Check out this link for more activities on the 4th of July.

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Should I Drop My Listing Price?


How To Set your Listing Price

This question of whether or not to drop your listing price comes up often. Of course, everyone wants to get the best price possible for their home. We also know that if a house is priced too high, it signals to the market that a seller is not ready to sell and your house may be ignored by some potential buyers. So it’s important to know how to set the price…and know when to drop the listing price.

Pricing your home requires a specific formula, but a key factor is your competition – other properties listed nearby. For example, let’s say you are selling a 10-year-old post and beam home with 5 bedrooms and 5-1/2 baths. We would look at other similar homes that are currently on the market. You would assume that a potential buyer would see all other post and beam homes in that price range. You must think like a buyer. Buyers are always trying to get the most for their budget. Which one would you buy?

Secondly, we would also look at similar homes that have sold in the past year. This gives us an idea of the average length of time homes in this price range are on the market, as well as an average cost per square foot.

So now that you’ve set your listing price, how do you know when its time to drop the listing price?

Dropping your price on a house is a decision that clearly affects your net proceeds. When we take a listing we always tell our sellers to leave some room for negotiation, and plan on a couple of price reductions if needed. So always have that bottom line in your mind when you are pricing. Many times the sellers here in the mountains will just wait until the market reaches their asking price. Our resort real estate market in Breckenridge is not the same as a primary residence market, where you have to move by a certain date for a job change or children transferring schools etc.

You should also have an idea of how quickly you want to sell. Are you in a hurry to sell, or are you ok with carrying it a while longer? Can you continue paying the mortgage or taxes and any other ongoing obligations? These things should be into consideration when dropping the price also.

Keep in mind that when negotiating on a house, if you have reduced your listing price, the buyer will not see that as a negotiating concession that benefits them. A potential buyer is making an offer on the current price only (but their agent will likely share the listing history with them).

Signs That It’s Time To Drop Your Listing Price

Should I drop my listing price

One of the biggest indicators that a listing price is too high is feedback from other Realtors. If you are getting feedback after every showing that your home is priced too high, then we know that it is true. Of course, you will always get a few people saying this but if we are consistently getting this feedback, it’s important to pay attention to it.

Know that dropping your listing price is not uncommon. It doesn’t mean your home has a stigma or something is wrong and that is why it isn’t selling. While this may be the case in many areas, we are a seasonal resort market. We have a constant flow of buyers different times of the year and from different parts of the country, so it isn’t the same as when there is a fixed group of local buyers looking at a particular neighborhood and waiting for something to go on the market.

Another time you should think about dropping your listing price is if the homes around you or in the same basic price range are selling and yours is not.

The bottom line is: if dropping your price gets you to the next place you want to be, then it is the right thing. If you can hold on longer then at some point the market will rise (hopefully) to meet it.

Roger and Teresa have 22 years of experience selling properties in Summit County and have learned the ins and outs of pricing. They can walk with you through the process of choosing a listing price. Let this expert real estate team sell your home in Summit County and get you the best price possible.