
Multiple Offers on a House

When we are in a market such as this, where the demand is higher than the inventory, multiple offers have become common place. It is so very important to find a realtor that has this particular skill set. Roger and Teresa Moen have these skills having been selling in the Breckenridge real estate market for 25 years. I have blogged about this in the past but here are a couple other things to keep in mind as there are many factors.

When there are multiple offers, the seller typically takes one of three actions:

    • Accepts the most favorable offer
    • Counters all offers to give everyone a chance to come back with a better bid in an effort to get the best price and terms
    • Counters the offer closest to the price and terms the seller’s seeking

It’s important for you, the buyer however should not  assume that they’ll get the opportunity to submit a counteroffer. If the seller has many offers on the table they often times just pick from one of them to work with. You always want to give them your best and highest offer so they won’t even consider looking at the others.

Timing is everything. Sometimes a seller will just let everybody know that he will accept offers on a certain date at a certain time so that this eliminates any buyer feeling that for whatever reason their offer was not submitted in a timely manor.

Don’t assume that the money is the only thing of value. Sometimes there are other items to be considered.

Coming up on the next blog: What is also of value to a Seller”

Are you hesitant about paying high HOA dues for your Breckenridge purchase?

Do those dues make your return on investment less desirable?

Here are some things to think about:

If you have an investment property in Breckenridge that you do short term rentals with, the amenities that come with a property will often raise your rental revenue because they are more desirable to renters. After your guests finishes a day of skiing they really look forward to that nice warm hot tub, or they don’t want to drive and want to be taken by resort shuttle to town for dinner etc.


Another thing to consider is, if you purchase a property that has less amenities but perhaps the dues include heat. As you can imagine those heating bills can be quite high in the mountains during winter. Typically renters do not care about reducing your heating bill.


There will always be the guests that prefer a more quiet experience and don’t want a huge resort yet still be close to town to walk to dinner. Many times that would lessen those high HOA dues to have a smaller condo complex.


There are many factors to consider and that is where we come in. We can help navigate what type of property fits your needs.

My Happy Place

The Breckenridge Recreation Center. It is a huge bonus to the town and many people don’t know it is there or that you can buy a one day pass if you are just visiting. It is 11,000 square feet. Seriously huge!  It was just remodeled and has state of the art in everything! I have spent many happy days there. You can do yoga, climb a rock wall, take a steam, swim a few laps, play tennis indoors or outdoors, get kayaking lessons or learn martial arts. There is so much more. It is my favorite place to spend the day!!