Signs of Life for Breckenridge Condos
Hello there,
Yes, there are signs of life in the real estate market in Breckenridge, Colorado! Little green shoots of market activity.
Here’s one of the livelier segments of our market: condos under $300,000.
Check out the chart below, and you’ll see that the data is pointing towards a recovery in this sector:
- The number of month’s supply is trending down – that’s the number of active listings, divided by the number of sales in a recent period.
- The yellow line, “Month Supply (short)” is based on short-term market activity: the number of current active listings vs the number of sales in the past 3 months. Based on the sales pace of the last 90 days, we are down to a 17-month supply of condos under $300K (down from 32 months in early June)
- The blue line, “Month Supply (medium)” is based on current actives vs sales in the past 6 months, and the magenta line, “Month Supply (long)” is based on current actives vs sales in the past 12 months.
- In a steadily improving market, the short-term yellow line is the lowest, and the long-term magenta line is the highest – and all three lines are trending down. That’s exactly what we see below! An improving market for affordable condos in Breckenridge.
This is the strongest segment of the Breckenridge market. Other segments (notably vacant land, and high-end condos and high-end homes) are much more sluggish. But, at least we’ve found a bright spot!
Check back from time to time, for additional market statistics and observations for beautiful Breckenridge, CO, where “It’s a great time to be a buyer!”