

Breckenridge Year-End Review 2011

Happy New Year!

Here’s the year-end review for the real estate market in Breckenridge, Colorado.

Get the quick answer from our 1-minute video, or see the details below.

We have a
buyer’s market that is recovering and slowly moving towards a more balanced market, especially for entry level (affordable) homes and condos. Prices per square foot are roughly flat since January 2009, and the number of sales is clearly moving up.

There’s plenty to choose from, prices are rolled back to 2005-2006 levels, and sellers are motivated. If you’ve been wanting to invest in Summit County, CO, now is the time!

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The chart above shows the number of residential sales (homes, condos, townhomes, duplexes, and vacant lots) for each of the years 2003 through 2011.

  • 2005 was the peak year for number of transactions
  • 2009 was the lowest year for number of transactions
  • The number of properties sold rose 15% in 2010, and rose another 17% in 2011!
  • The total sales volume (the sum of all selling prices) is up 1% vs 2010. However, 2010 was stiff competition because that’s the year that dozens of very high end condos sold (over $1M), in the brand new One Ski Hill Place complex at the base of Peak 8.
  • The prices of properties peaked in late 2007 / early 2008. Prices are currently around 30% below that peak.
  • Prices have stabilized. Several condo complexes and subdivisions are showing that sold prices per square foot are roughly flat since 1/1/2009. There is no strong downtrend in selling price-per-square-foot for all of 2009 – 2011.
  • For overall Summit County, the chart looks quite similar to the one above, but the numbers are all roughly double. (Breckenridge accounts for around 40-45% of the sales in Summit County). County-wide, the number of sales was lowest in 2009; rose 11% in 2010 and rose another 9% on top of that in 2011. So, Breckenridge is leading the pace as we move towards a more balanced market.

Please check back from time to time, for more Breckenridge Colorado
real estate market statistics and analysis.

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How's The Market 12/14/11

How’s the real estate market in Breckenridge, Colorado? It’s still a buyer’s market, but recovering nicely with the number of residential transactions up 16% (and the total $ sales volume unchanged) over last year at this time.

We learned last time that affordable condos are selling faster than high end condos, but which home price range is selling the best? Glad you asked! Get the one-minute update in our video, below. And for more details, view our charts of the monthly supply of 5 different home price ranges.

Did you know: you can expand the video to full screen? While the video is playing, click the YouTube button, then click the Full Screen button.

Please check back from time to time, for more videos.


Which Homes Are Selling Best?

Hello from Breckenridge, Colorado!

We know it’s a buyer’s market, and that homes and condos are selling well, but which home price range is selling the best? The high end? Mid-range? Affordable homes?

Get the quick answer from our 1-minute video, or see the details below.

The short answer is: the lower-priced homes are selling best; the mid-range is a little slower; and the high end has a huge oversupply of 7-10 years. So, if you’ve been waiting to buy a high-end luxury home, those sellers are highly motivated!

The charts below show the number of month’s supply of homes in the Breckenridge area since July 1, 2011.

  • We track five different price ranges; under $500K; three middle ranges; and over $2.5 million
  • There are two charts below – one with all five price ranges, and one with the bottom four ranges (under $1M)
  • For each price range, we calculate the monthly supply by dividing the number of active home listings by the number that sold in the preceding 12 months
  • The most striking thing is the huge supply of homes in the highest price range, over $2.5 million (the top line in the first chart below). That’s a 7 to 10 year supply!
  • The darker blue line at the bottom of the chart shows the monthly supply of homes under $500K.
  • This shows more clearly in the second chart, where the top line is removed and we zoom in on the mid and lower price ranges.Currently, there is an 8-10 month supply of homes under $500K.
  • As the prices get higher than $500K, the number of month’s supply grows, but the three mid-price-ranges have quite a bit of overlap, and there’s no clear trend other than that the supply is dropping.
  • Two things are clear: 1. There is a huge supply of homes over $2.5M, and 2. Homes under $500K are selling the best.

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If we change the scale, to eliminate the very high end (over $2.5M), we get a clearer idea of what’s happening to the lower and mid price ranges.

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So, now you know which home sellers are the most motivated! Believe it or not, we have even more data, so if you like market statistics, you know who to call!