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What’s happening with the Breckenridge condo market?

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Condo sales in Breckenridge have slowed down in 2016. The reason for this is a low inventory. The demand is still high.This is the lowest the inventory has been since 1998 and that is the farthest back I can go with my available data. So what we do have listed is selling in a matter of days if it is priced right. This graph shows that even though the number of sales are down, if you want to purchase an investment property, Breckenridge has the lion’s share of the county market. This is also why investors purchase in Breckenridge.


Planning a trip to look at Breckenridge Property

If you are planning a trip to Breckenridge and it is during the ski season here are a couple of helpful hints:

Do not get on 1-70 heading down to Denver on a Sunday afternoon. The skier traffic will make your trip much longer.

If you are planing on looking at property, particularly condos in town, many of these will be rented for peak ski season. On Mondays or Tuesdays, you have a better chance of that property being vacant. Many times I have to squeeze in between a check out and a check in.

Have the listings you want to see (that I have sent you) in advance so that we don’t waste your time looking at properties that don’t meet your specific criteria. That way you can make the best and highest use of your time here. More ski time for you!

Keep in mind that once you have decided to make an offer on a property you do not have to come back again if you choose not to. Everything can be done on line and or Fed Ex. I will do all the leg work for you. This makes it so much easier on people that do not live in state.

Hope this helps.


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Happy New Year! This is what’s happening in Breckenridge

We had a great year and so appreciate everybody that contacted us. We just broke our personal 20 year record!! Yahoo! 2017 is going to be awesome.

Here is what is going on with the market.  The final numbers are not in yet, but I did do a quick check to see where the market is as of today for last year. The average sold price for residential sales and if that holds the increase in 2016 is just over 7%. Oh, and the average sold price for residential sales (homes, townhomes, condos, duplexes) is right at $595,000! The list price to sold price is  at an average of 97.4% with a high of 106% so not much wiggle room.

If history repeats itself there will be more inventory in the spring but as you can see they go quickly. My listings in 2016 were selling before I could get them in the MLS.

Roger and I wish you and your families as great New Year of health and happiness!